Swimming in the pool and tanning.

Temperatures are reaching their zenith, you dream of taking a dip in the pool, but are worried about your tan, which was created with self-tanners? Below we will give you some of our foolproof tips to help keep your tan in the best shape possible.

Self-tanner is a cosmetic that is retained in the outer layer of the epidermis and will not run off us after a prolonged stay in the pool. On the other hand, it is important to remember that the epidermis is subject to natural abrasion, and any external factors that accelerate this process can result in a more intense loss of tan. Depending on the individual characteristics of our epidermis, chlorinated water can weaken the artificial tan. The occurrence of such an effect is determined by a number of factors, such as the intensity of the bath, the degree of hydration of the skin or even the time that has elapsed since the application of the bronzing cosmetic. The tan will not suddenly come off in larger batches only a gradual effect. If you want to minimize the risk of unwanted effects-remember to wash off the chlorinated water after you finish bathing and to cream your body intensively with moisturizing lotion.

If you want to simultaneously moisturize your skin after the pool, prolong the life of your tan and boost its tones, we recommend using a gradual tanning lotionTanExpert Desert Rose

The cosmetic deeply moisturizes getting into every nook and cranny of the skin while leaving a wonderful tanning effect. Thanks to it, we experience two treatments-tanning and skin moisturizing-in a single application.

Poznaj kosmetyki Per a Pell

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Odkryj wyjątkową kolekcje kosmetyków, które przekształcą Twoją codzienną rutynę pielęgnacyjną w niezapomnianą przygodę. Produkty te stanowią połączenie starannie wyselekcjonowanych składników, troski o detale i zrozumienia potrzeb nowoczesnej kobiety. Zapraszamy Cię do świata, gdzie każdy dzień staje się okazją do odnowy i odkrywania nowych aspektów Twojego piękna. Rozkoszuj się tym co najlepsze, zanurz się w sztuce pielęgnacji z Per a Pell.